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SYTYCD S7 Top 8 Performance Music

I’ll probably miss this show, so I’ll be late tonight with the music. Feel free to chime in if you catch any of tonight’s music! As always, I’ll give you a shout out.

Dancer: Lauren Froderman
All-Star: Pasha Kovalev
Style: Cha Cha
Choreographer: Jean Marc and France Genereux [Thanks Christine!]
Song: Lady Gaga with Beyonce’s “Telephone” – Telephone

Dancer: Jose Ruiz
All-Star: Lauren Gottleib
Style: Contemporary
Choreographer: Mandy Moore
Song: Mom says Nix’s “Don’t Tear Us Apart,” but I haven’t found it on iTunes yet. [Lol. My mom’s been helping me for the start of the shows since I’ve been running late from work. BUT, this song is INXS’s “Never Tear Us Apart” – Never Thanks to commenters Lisa and Renee!]

Dancer: Kent Boyd
All-Star: Comfort Fedoke
Style: Hip-hop
Choreographer: Dave Scott
Song: Ryan Leslie’s “You’re Not My Girl” – You're

Dancer: Adechike Torbert
All-Star: Courtney Galiano
Style: Jazz?
Choreographer: Mandy Moore
Song: Dinah Washington/Rae and Christian remix “Is You or Is You Ain’t My Baby” – Is

Dancer: Billy Bell
All-Star: Katee Shean (in place of Allison Holker)
Style: Broadway
Choreographer: Spencer Liff
Song: “Macavity” – Macavity: from the Cats Musical

Dancer: Ashley Galvan
All-Star: Dominic Sandoval
Style: Hip-hop
Choreographer: Nappytabs
Song: Ludacris’s “How Low” – How

Dancer: Robert Roldan
All-Star: Kathryn McCormick
Style: Jazz
Choreographer: Sean Cheesman
Song: Roisin Murphy’s “Sinking Feeling” – Sinking

Dancers: Adechike Torbert and Markla (Nakul’s assistant stepped in for Alex Wong)
Style: Bollywood
Choreographer: Nakul Dev Mahajan
Song: “Mourya Re” – Mourya from Don the Chase Begins Again soundtrack

Dancers: Lauren Froderman and Kent Boyd
Style: Contemporary
Choreographer: Travis Wall
Song: Howie Day’s acoustic “Collide” – Collide (Acoustic Version) – Stop All the World Now (Special Edition Version)

Dancers: Ashley Galvan and Robert Roldan
Style: Quickstep
Choreographer: Jean-Marc and France
Song: The Atomic Fireballs’s “The Man with the Hex” – Man

Dancers: Billy Bell and Jose Ruiz
Style: African Jazz
Choreographer: Sean Cheesman
Song: Mickey Hart’s “The Hunt” – The

You can check out all Season 7’s music here.

July 7, 2010 I Written By

SYTYCD S7 Top 9 Results Thoughts

Is it just me, or was that opening group number very sedate, all things considered? And by sedate, I mean… boring. Nothing really popped out at me. Sad to say.

I’m glad, glad, glad Ashley and Alex are safe and that they didn’t even really try to play that they were in danger.

Annoyed that Adechike is safe since I think he still deserves Bottom 3, despite last night’s nominal improvement. They probably had to scare Kent a bit…let’s see how he does next week.

When Lauren was sent to safety, I had a feeling both Billy and Robert were gonna be in the Bottom 3, that they were gonna play off the Billy or Robert thing they did going into the Top 10. When they were both in the Bottom 3, I was a little afraid for Robert, but I mostly just felt even more certain that Melinda was going home.

When it was between Melinda and Jose, I had a wild stray thought that Jose would be in the Bottom and we’d have a freaky all-male Bottom 3 this early in the season. Which would probably have meant Robert going home, if that had happened. But, then it was Melinda and I was pretty sure again that she was going home.

I looooove that they’re going to have the All-Stars re-dance some of their iconic routines. It’s like they heard all our talk and they listened to us. Makes me start thinking about what other routines we might see in the coming weeks.

So even though this results episode didn’t feel like it was much about the Season 7 contestants, I had a lot of dancing to enjoy anyway. Namely, the All-Stars. The Viva ELVIS spectacular was pretty awesome, and I enjoyed that Chris and Marquis got to dance again on the SYTYCD stage.

The solos went by in a blink. I enjoyed both Billy’s and Robert’s. And I was glad that Melinda danced acapella. I thought it was a bit fraudlent of Adam to pretend she even had a chance by offering advice on what she had to do to stay. That made me a bit sad.

I enjoyed the Ne-Yo performance a lot, too. It would’ve been cool if he danced with the All-Stars like last week’s performance with Debi Nova. But his dancers were a’right. ๐Ÿ™‚

So, I’m not surprised that the judges sent Melinda home. Or that the decision was unanimous. I thought it was a bit rude to tell Melinda by sending the other two to safety (they’ve done that before, though). They could’ve actually addressed her first, you know.

We’ve got to stop losing girls. We’ve only got 2 left and I really like both of them. So that’s it. Everyone, start voting for them, okay? I think we could thin out the herd of guys for a bit before we let either Ashley or Lauren be in danger again – k?

July 1, 2010 I Written By

SYTYCD Top 9 Performance Thoughts/Power Rankings

Once again, I’m going to combine my Top 9 performance thoughts and power rankings this week.

This one’s gonna be rough. Roouuuggggh. I’ve been reading a few of your comments to help me out here, but I’m still pretty confused.

Top Three

Alex – Is there any question? I think we can all agree on this one. And this is coming from me, the “hater” of hip-hop. Helllloooo…let’s just say I’m most likely to like hip-hop if it’s NappyTabs. And if Twitch is dancing, I’m always in love. But Alex is what made this routine, which was choreographed brilliantly for him and all, but he held his own with TWITCH BOSS! I mean, boss is in his name. ๐Ÿ™‚ And Alex killed it. Did you hear that audience? Cat kept saying it was the loudest crowd she’d even seen on the show. It sounded like they were in a stadium. I especially loved Mia’s, “Who the hell are you?” Even though, I’m not really that surprised Alex rocked because he’s just phenomenal. When I saw the SYTYCDism spoilers that Alex and Twitch were dancing together, I made very girly sounds. ๐Ÿ™‚

Billy – The judges came down hard on him (but they kinda have to, since he’s been a judge favorite all along, right?), but it was a gorgeous routine. Billy still has a lot of fans and I thought the combination of his mentioning Legacy as his role model, dancing with Kathryn (who danced with Legacy) and a powerful routine from Stacey Tookey put him up top. He was a bit stiff and arrogant while getting his feedback, I think, which makes me like him less. But the routine was lovely and his solo was strong as well. Overall, I think the judges were hard on him because they’re trying to give him a possibility at a “journey/arch” that he might not be perceived as having since he’s so technically good.

Ashley – When Top 11 started after Vegas Week, I was thinking, “Who is this girl?” I had no idea who she was. But I loooooooooove her now. Yes, she needs to dance something other than contemporary. But she’s been able to show something different in this routine and it was a chilling and wonderful routine with Ade. She has quickly become one of my favorites and will be my biggest solace when we probably lose the girl who has been one of my favorite from the beginning.

Middle Three

Robert -I love him. He got BIG cheers, supported Jose (yes he can, when Cat asked rhetorically if Jose could hold his own) and had great chemistry with Courtney. But, he danced with Courtney again to a blah-ish Sonya (not her best, at least) routine thatย  happened earlier in the show, which makes it sadly a bit forgettable. He was compared to Mark, however, and I think he does suit Sonya’s choreography. I hope it doesn’t put him in danger cause I loved when Sonya was taking America to task for not voting for Robert. He definitely deserves to stay.

Lauren – I thought it was a fun Broadway, and though I don’t always love her personality, I do enjoy her dancing. I thought both she and Neil were technically strong and had great lines, but there wasn’t a lot of chemistry between them. She’s starting to get a lot of flak, but a lot of people still really love her, I think. Also, I think the wardrobe malfunction and the resulting brou-ha-ha (“I enjoyed that tremendously,” and “I bet you did”) will make her stand out. She got a lot of time – and honestly kudos to her for carrying on with her entire strap dangling. I think that would have been just a bit distracting.

Kent – This is a tough call. It’ll either be Kent or Jose in this or the first Bottom 3 spot, in my opinion. But, they’re kinda on the same level, I think. Both didn’t dance strongly this week, both have huge fan bases. I do have to say I don’t think enough has been said about Dmitry’s phenomenal choreography here – smart and sexy work. While Jose got better feedback (and I liked his performance better), I think Kent’s fan base is a little more rabid AND I think that he’s perceived to have danced better in genres outside his own…

Bottom Three

Jose – Whereas Jose has been giving a lot of “Legacy choreography” – stunts within the choreo that show off his skillz and remind us why he’s on the show. I liked Jose’s performance tonight, but I agree with some of the comments I’ve seen that he didn’t do a lot of real dancing, more like excellent partnering. I think the routine (and most of his routines) have cleverly disguised his weaknesses and the judges are mostly glossing them over. So while I think he may be in the Bottom 3 tomorrow night, I think he’ll be a the “top” of the Bottom 3, which will mean he’ll be back next week.

Adechike – A lot of people are raving about his Dave Scott hip-hop tonight. After watching it back three times now, I think he made *some* improvement. But you know what? He had all the personality of a prop, to me. He might as well have not been there. The only times I noticed him was when he was being sloppy and cheesy. It’s kinda the reverse of Melinda for me – I don’t get the hate for her and a lot of people probably won’t get (or agree with) me putting him in the bottom 3. But honestly, I think that any little sign of improvement was going to be seen as a huge step for him because he danced like a stick with two beautiful women in his own genre in the weeks before this. I think he should be getting a lot of heat for that and I don’t care if he danced a slightly better hip-hop this week. I would’ve rather’d seen that routine with *anyone* other than him. Even not always loving hip-hop, I could see how that could be a great routine. With somebody else.

Melinda – I love her, but… it seems like I’m one of the few left who do. Especially if you count the judges. I thought Mia’s comment was so gross. What is the constructive point of telling her “we might have made a mistake keeping you” on national t.v.? Why not, “You didn’t dance your best, or as strongly as you needed to”? And, after watching the routine back, it galls me to admit this, but it was pretty awful. I enjoyed it in the moment, I did. I thought there were some especially awkward transitions into jumps, lifts and tricks and a moment that might’ve been choreographed or might’ve been a colossal mistake. I think the only thing that could save Melinda now is the sympathy vote after Mia’s ugly, pointless comment or if ALL of Melinda’s fans stay up all night voting for her.

I’m not happy about it, but I think Melinda’s going home. (Or maybe it’s a plot to use reverse-psychology are the voting audience….) I hope that it’s two guys in the bottom with her and I’m fairly confident in my picks. Though, as I said earlier today, I think we’re ripe for a shocker.

Some last thoughts before I go –

-I love that Cat’s talking more than ever – especially about the routines. Even if she’s not a dancer, she should get to put her 2 cents in after all the years she’s hosted and participated in the show. I like knowing what she thinks!

-I thought the solos were all pretty strong and interesting. I wasn’t thrilled with Ashley using the same music as last week’s group routine – I think it was too soon and indicated (whether this is fair or not) that she didn’t try as hard to be unique. Same thing with Adechike – he used at least the same song as his dance for his life in Vegas and it might have been the same solo, I’m not sure. I thought Lauren had the strongest solo of the girls and I was very impressed by Kent’s solo (his “new Billy Belly status” has never been clearer). I enjoyed Jose and Melinda’s solos quite a lot as well.

-The minute Alex’s footage started and up to the last minute on screen was some of the best SYTYCD has ever had to offer. Pure enjoyment. Even though Adam’s “This is your world and I’m just visiting” comment was regurgitated (Marianya reminded me he said it to Ashleigh last season), I think the emotion behind it was truly genuine. How could it not be? You could see the mass hysteria going on in that studio. I think NappyTabs were incredibly smart to forsake an easy route “battle” dynamic for this routine and in doing so, they made this an incredibly memorable routine, one that showcased both of its incredible dancers. If this is the quality of dancing we have to look forward to, I don’t mind *as much* that we’ll probably lose Melinda and be at 2-6 girls and guys.

-You know…some of the problem with this season’s female-male dynamic may originate with the choreographers. Hear me out… I suspect that the choreographers are just plain more inspired by the guys and they’re using the choreography to showcase and protect the guys, yet they’re not doing the same thing for the girls. Especially when you consider the enormous amounts of ballroom that the in-danger and eliminated girls have danced. The ballroom routines usually don’t have intense back stories, are very technically fussy and difficult, usually have less appealing music (hey, I’m considering the types of songs YOU tend to click on) and are a hit-or-miss when it comes to audience appreciation.

-Did you see Legacy on stage with all the dancers at the end? He and Kathryn seemed to have a bit of a reunion. ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, bring on my heat for all the cranky-puss comments about Ade. I know a lot of you are going to think I’m crazy for my power rankings this week, so time to hear it! ๐Ÿ™‚

I Written By

SYTYCD S7 Top 9 Performance Music


I’m gonna put a spoiler line, just in case. The music on tonight’s SYTYCD episode follows…

Dancer: Adechike Torbert
All-Star: Lauren Gottlieb
Style: Hip-Hop
Choreographer: Dave Scott
Song: “Hot N Fun” – Hot-n-Fun [My mom helped me till I could get home and she missed the artist – I believe it’s N.E.R.D. ft. Nelly Furtado, so I’ll link to that till I hear differently. 7:55 p.m. update: I’ve watched it back and confirmed that it is N.E.R.D. ft. Nelly Furtado].

Dancer: Ashley Galvan
All-Star: Ade Obayomi
Style: Conteporary
Choreographer: Dee Caspary
Song: Florence + the Machine’s “Cosmic Love” – Lungs

Billy solo: Amanda Blank’s “Something Bigger, Something Better” – I

Dancer: Robert Roldan
All-Star: Courtney
Style: Jazz
Choreographer: Sonya Tayeh
Song: M.I.A. “XXXO” – Xxxo

Jose’s solo: James Brown “Super Bad” – JB40

Dancer: Melinda Sullivan
All-Star: Pasha Kovalev
Style: Salsa
Choreographer: Fabian Sanchez
Song: D.L.G “Magdalena, Mi Amor (Quimbera)” – Lo

Kent solo: Jay Sean’s “Down (Candlelight remix)” – All

Alex solo: Danny Elfman’s “Rule the Planet” – Planet from the Planet of the Apes soundtrack.

Dancer: Lauren Froderman
All-Star: Neil Haskell
Style: Broadway
Choreographer: Joey Dowling
Song: Debbie Gibson “Let Me Entertain You” – Colored

Ashley’s solo: Crookers ft. Roisin Murphy’s “Royal T” – Royal T (Riva Starr Dub) feat. Roisin Murphy - Defected In the House Miami '10 (Mixed By Riva Starr) [Again! This song was also used in Sonya’s group routine last week.]

Dancer: Billy Bell
All-Star: Kathryn McCormick
Style: Contemporary
Choreographer: Stacey Tookey
Song: Christina Perri’s “Jar of Hearts” – Jar

Robert solo: Ray LaMontagne’s “Hold You in My Arms” – Trouble

Dancer: Jose Ruiz
All-Star: Anya Garnis
Style: Samba
Choreographer: Dmitry Chaplin
Song: Shakira’s “Long Time” – She

Melinda’s solo: Alicia Keys’s “Empire State of Mind Part II: Broken Down” – Empire

Dancer: Kent Boyd
All-Star: Allison
Style: Jazz
Choreographer: Mandy Moore
Song: Alicia Keys’s “Heartburn” – The

Adechike’s solo: Craig Armstrong’s “Ruthless Gravity” – As [This is the same song he danced for his life to in Vegas.]

Lauren’s solo: Cyndi Lauper’s cover of “Unchained Melody” – At

Dancer: Alex Wong
All-Star: Twitch Boss
Style: Hip-hop
Choreographer: NappyTabs
Song: Lil Jon ft. LM*AO’s “Outta Your Mind” – Crunk

You can check out all Season 7’s music here.

June 30, 2010 I Written By

SYTYCD Top 10 Performance Thoughts/Power Rankings

I’m going to combine my Top 10 performance thoughts and power rankings this week.

Some of you may wonder how I come about my power rankings. Unlike my “thoughts” posts, the power rankings are not based upon my personal preferences. Though, on rare occasion, I have refused to put one of my favorite dancers in the Bottom 3, even though I knew they probably would be. ๐Ÿ™‚ I rank the dancers on my impression of how the performances go over with the voting audience, which takes into account, the dancer’s perceived popularity, the judges’ comments and the live audience reaction. And also, your comments. I take a look at what all of you are saying about the dancers and their performances and I keep that in mind as well.

I gotta say – this is the toughest job, trying to decide who’s gonna be in the bottom and maybe go home, especially this season. But, I’m always up for a challenge, so here I go….

Top Three

Lauren – She crossed oceans from where she was last week. While her performance wasn’t all that bad last week, her reaction to the judges turned off a lot of people. This week, she threw herself into her performance (not just the moves) and appeared humble and centered when facing the judges. She and Dominic are probably two of the silliest of all the dancers, yet they performed an intense, serious routine with heart and the respect that it deserved. I agreed that there wasn’t much to the “abuse” element of the piece – but I think that was in the choreography. It was Tessandra’s first competition choreography on the show, so she might have been straddling a very fine line. All of the real (forgive me) “punch” to the routine came from Lauren, in my opinion. She was whaling on Dominic. I was super impressed with them both. It was a great routine and Lauren’s got a solid fan base (and the good word of the judges), so I think she’ll be fine. [For those of you who know how bland hip-hop generally is to me, you might be surprised to see me say all this, but there you go.]

Jose – Everybody really seems to love Jose and he kinda won me over with this performance. He’s been one of the weaker dancers in my mind for a while, but I was really charmed and entertained my his Bollywood with Kathryn. They played up how he and Nakul were from such different worlds, but that’s kinda bullsh*t in my opinion. They seemed to understand each other pretty well, especially by the end. Bhangra, which is an Indian club dance style, has a lot in common with hip-hop. So, I think Jose held his own with Kathryn for the most part and particularly presented the character of the piece well. It was joyful, which is what made it so entertaining (much like Kent’s cha cha last week). His one greatest weakness this week was his arms while they were in the air. They didn’t seem to have the strength that they needed, but rather seemed to flap limply at times. But it seriously seems to be a stand-out routine (and it was for me, as well), so I think it is up there as one of the favorite routines. And he’s pretty popular, as far as I can tell.

Kent – This is the same situation as Jose (and Kent’s own performance last week). He drowns whatever weaknesses exist in exuberance and shear entertainment. He’s great. That being said, I think he did a great job with Courtney. I think he does a good job of taking on different characters of being dark and jazzy. And did you hear the audience cheer when they kissed at the end? And that doesn’t hurt, either, it was the last performance, so very memorable in several ways.

Middle Four

Ashley – I would like to put Ashley at the top because she’s quickly becoming one of my favorites. However, I think a lot of people are still on the fence about her, so I’m putting her here, at the top of the middle. I looooved her routine with Mark – I think she’s extremely lucky to have danced with two of the handsomest of the All-Stars already (and two of the strongest and most supportive). I was struck by her chemistry with Mark – apparently, that’s one of her strengths. So while I enjoyed her both last week and this week, I would love to see her dance something different. Maybe hip-hop with Twitch next? That would really keep her sexy partner trend going.

Robert – A lot of people seem to be on the fence about Robert, as well. I adore him. I think he’s wonderful. He had some crazy lifts in this routine with Anya – he got her so high up there and she’s not dramatically shorter than him (well, maybe that’s the heels). I disagreed with completely that Anya ate him up because I felt he met her as an equal in her own specialized style and there were times when he “dominated” as the male partner should in a tango. I think Anya had a point – that while she’s the expert between then, she needed a good partner in order to look as great as she did. If he hadn’t been strong, she would’ve been able to compensate for him, but it probably would have made her own performance suffer.

Alex – I loved this routine. I don’t think it had as much of the things that a lot of the audience look for (story, partnering, kick-ass music), but it did have music that was perfect for it, two phenomenal dancers and a friendly and sweet “anything you can do, I can do better”/battle feel to it. It reminded me of b-boy battles like Jose mentioned. They were doing tricks together, supporting each other and competing against each other – in the Broadway sense, which is a give and take. I thought Alex might be careful not to burn bridges back to the ballet world, but I love that he’s eager to learn whatever he can sink his teeth into and thrilled to be on the SYTYCD stage. And Lauren! Love that girl! ๐Ÿ™‚

Billy – His krump could have been a lot worse. That’s kind of it for me. I don’t love the style, I don’t adore Comfort and I agree with Nigel that the music is overbearing and repetitive. BUT. It was actually pretty enjoyable. And Billy represented a lot better than I (or anyone, probably) thought he would. But seriously, with his fan base, Billy could drop his partner off the stage and probably be safe. Though, he’s got to have some amazing routines in the next few weeks because I think people are starting to get tired of his (already high level) plateau.

Bottom Three

Adechike – He got a lot of flak last week for dancing poorly with a strong partner, great choreography and a phenomenal partner in his style. Yet, he wasn’t in the bottom 3. I think he’ll be there retroactively for last week’s routine, especially since he still paled in comparison to his gorgeous All-Star in his own style. It says something that he’s been lucky enough to get his own style twice with two extremely popular and strong partners and he can’t match them. I think in another season, he would’ve been given time and room to grow. But, in this season, I think he’ll be in the bottom 3. And if he is, I think he may go because of his first two weak performances and the judges will probably want to “match up” the numbers of guys and girls since there’s been outcry against an all-boy, 1-girl season (like American Idol).

Melinda – I love Melinda, but I recognize I’m in the minority here. Apparently. Attractive girls (especially without formal training) have a hard road to travel on this show. The voting block loves gorgeous guys and sometimes supports them longer than their talent deserves, but at the slightest bit of wobble, a lot of the gorgeous girls go. I recognize that Melinda’s one of the least technically strong, in many respects, but we love the “journeys” of the b-boys, don’t we? Why can’t we get behind a gorgeous female tapper who’s trying to learn different styles and kick ass in them? And guess what? She was amazing last night. She had great lines, especially for a “hoofer,” as the judges pointed out. The worst thing about her performance was her costume, which she can’t control. So, I don’t get the Melinda hate, but she’ll probably be here in the Bottom 3. I hope she survives, because I’d especially love to see her dance with Neil. It’d be great to see her dance hip-hop with Twitch.

Cristina – One of our readers said “Cristina just doesn’t do it for me,” and I have to second that emotion. Whereas I don’t get the Melinda hate and feel protective of her cause I wanna see her keep dancing on the show, Cristina is my least favorite of the dancers. She’s the one that feels the most flat and one-note. Her paso with Pasha was alright, but that was mostly due to Pasha for me. Plus, I feel that paso more than any of the other dances uses dramatic lighting and theatrical music/costumes to disguise the sameness of the choreography (often) and the weakness of the dancers. Don’t believe me? There were hardly any close shots of Cristina and Pasha dancing and they were almost all focused in on Pasha’s faces and expression, not Cristina’s. Almost the entire routine was shot in mid to long shots that enabled us to see the large movement and gestures, but nothing refined performance-wise. The last pose was gorgeous of course, which was helped enormously by the lighting. If she’s in the bottom 3 again, there’s a very good chance she’ll be eliminated this week.

So, all that being said, I generally believe in my bottom 3. I think that either Adechike will go home or the judges will give him one last chance (to try a style outside his specialty) and send him home next if he’s in the bottom (again). In which case, Cristina is probably going to be eliminated tonight.

Some last thoughts before I go –

-I’m with a lot of our readers who say that Nigel’s comment to Tyce, “That was jazz, thank you very much, Tyce” was horrifically rude to Travis and he looked so hurt/pissed when they panned to him. I would be, too. Honestly, I loved his routine, so big whoop if it’s not technically jazz. Speaking of Travis, I loved that we could hear him hollering happily at the end of Ashley/Mark’s routine. Love him.

-I love Mia, but she needs to stop making weird noises rather than offering real, solid criticism. She can leave the noises for her personal, private discussions with the dancers, in my opinion. I think they do understand that language of hers, but I think it’d help them more if it was on a one-to-one level rather than while they’re on stage. Also, she is one of the worst for favoritism. She ragged on Melinda’s costume (which she can’t control), and then said to Kent, “Was that Bollywood? I don’t know, but I don’t care.” I get it – I have favorites, too. I’d probably be the same way. But she’s a permanent judge, not an audience member.

-Cat was in fine form tonight. I loved her comments about her massive head (with the hat) and how it’s ridiculous that Kent grew up in the 90s. But, I have to say…her comment about “Would you like to go deeper, Dominic,” disturbed me. As did his hand kind of petting her shoulder while Lauren was standing between them getting her criticism. Loved when she asked if sexy Kent was in there and Kent said, “yeaaaaah.” Lol. She has the best repartee with the contestants – that never changes.

-I’m really, really glad they decided to have the All-Stars stand on stage with the contestants through the criticism and are sorta letting them talk and offer support. It was too weird having them run off stage before we got to catch up with them a little. It’s one of my favorite parts of how the new format is developing, so I hope it continues.

Tell me what you think, as always!

June 24, 2010 I Written By

SYTYCD Season 7 Top 11 Power Rankings

My first Power Rankings of Season 7!! It’s very different this year, since we don’t have those “weeding out” episodes at the beginning of Top 20. We’re not losing one girl and one guy every results show this time around, but just one dancer. Which is great…but also hard to predict who’s gonna go. We already have such a small number of dancers and the Meet the Top 11 and first performance show have been pretty killer. It’s really hard to guess how this is going to play out.

That being said… I’m game to try. ๐Ÿ™‚ Aren’t I always?

Top Four

Alex – hands down, Alex had the best night. His performance with Allison was stunning and got rave reviews from the judges. I’ve never seen Nigel react the way that he did. Not only that, but the audience loved it and he earned Deely’s first chills of the season. ๐Ÿ™‚ Alex managed to be humble, proud and adorable (like when he was mouthing along with Cat’s phone number speel).

Kent – had a solid performance with some slight wobbles. It wasn’t as spectacular as some of the other performances, but it was cute. It had loads of personality and he did look genuinely thrilled ot be there, with Anya in his arms. If you add all the screen time he got and how amusing he was talking with the judges – and Cat’s extremely odd and cute faces – you get a wide security net, in my opinion.

Ashley – her performance is incredibly memorable to me because the chemistry between Ashley and Neil was through the roof. They both seemed genuinely affected for a while after the performance was over and so was I. While the judges were talking, I kept thinking, stop talking, you’re not talking about the right thing. I wanted Neil back on stage with Ashley. Plus, it was a great routine danced beautifully. I think this brought Ashley to a lot of people’s attention.

Robert – had great chemistry with Courtney. This was a routine so natural to them both that it was just kinda like, “here’s some great dancing, no big thang.” I hope it stands out as much as it deserves to. I think it will. And Robert’s personality really shone through, particularly in his [weird] interchange with Mia. So, he probably came to a lot of people’s attention as well.

Middle Four

Billy – is maybe letting the competition get in the way of his dancing. He danced well, don’t get me wrong. It was a cute routine with Lauren. But it had none of the weight of some of the other performances and it was the first routine and several people have told me they don’t think Billy is dancing to his capacity lately.

Alexie – had a cute, competent routine with Twitch. It wasn’t everything it couldn’t been, but it was entertaining and charming and well-danced. I think this is one of the routines that suffered from the new-partner-every-week format of the show. If Alexie and Twitch had been partners for two or three weeks before this, I think it would’ve rocked more.

Adechike – also suffered from the new-partner-each-week thing, in my opinion. It was shocking to me that Chike and Kathryn didn’t have much chemistry because everyone has chemistry with Kathryn. A mop would have chemistry with Kathryn. The chair had more chemistry with Kathryn than Chike did. But, it was well-danced. It just could’ve been more than it was, like Alexie and Twitch’s routine.

Jose – was lucky enough to disguise his lack of experience and training within this routine with Comfort. So while I think it was more poorly danced than say, Cristina’s routine, for example, I think that his charm, the generosity of his choreographer and partner and his potential “journey” will keep him safe.

Bottom Three

Lauren – wasn’t all that bad with Ade, because they’re both strong dancers and Ade is a phenomenal partner. But I don’t think she was feeling Ade or the choreography and it showed. She seemed uncommitted to both. Then, she was kinda a bit of a brat when talking to the judges. She said something along the lines, “I’ll figure out how to earn your approval.” Which seems…kinda…fake… I think it surprised all the judges, when she said that. Her expression was very flat and blank after that, like she was trying to keep herself from saying something worse. I think it turned a lot of people off of LoFro, but not enough to get her booted.

Melinda – was adorable and charming with Pasha. They had strong chemistry. However, she was clearly overwhelmed by the routine. While she did a good job masking her legs (as the judges commented on) with her personality, I think she was one of the more obviously weak dancers. Jose was lucky enough to have some breaking added to the choreography so he could show his strengths while she was left smiling and oozing charm for all she was worth and couldn’t really display any of her dance strengths. She may suffer some stress tonight in the bottom 3, but I hope she doesn’t leave because I love her and I can’t wait to see what she can do.

Cristina – her dancing was better than Melinda, Jose and probably Lauren’s last night. However, it was early in the show and it kinda looked like Mark was slinging her around for most of the routine. I don’t think she got a chance to shine and I don’t think she has the fan base of some of the other dancers, including the ones who’ll likely be in the Bottom 3. When you factor in that she was the only dancer who was critiqued during Meet the Top 11, I think she’s the one in the most danger.

Alright – how off base do you think I am? Do you think the All-Stars’ popularity will rub off on their particular partners? How do you think tonight’s results show is going to go down? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I Written By

SYTYCD 7: Top 11 Performances Reactions

Sooo normally I don’t have an opinion when it comes to dances and emotion and what not, but there was so much going on that you can’t help but react, so I’m going to give it a shot… ๐Ÿ˜€ Just a quick warning, chances are high I’m not going to react to the actual dances as much as some other things that have happened… ๐Ÿ˜€

Overall Show format

Marianya’s Reaction: Now I’m really digging this All Star format, I think the All Stars are really a big help in helping the dancers get acquainted with unfamiliar dances… but another week I think will help me refine that opinion.

Dancer: Billy Bell
All-Star: Lauren Gottlieb
Style: Broadway

Marianya’s Reaction: Ok, Billy is a beautiful dancer, no question… but he seems to have lost a bit of that luster from Season 6. Though I’ll admit this is one of the better Broadway routines.

Dancer: Cristina Santana
All-Star: Mark Kanemura
Style: Jazz

Marianya’s Reaction: Took me a while to realize that Cristina was wearing a body suit and not body paint >.< But dang Mark was flirting with the audience as he walked off stage... with the finger pointing and the semi-Elvis semi-The Fonz look... such a ham. Dancer: Jose Ruiz
All-Star: Comfort Fedoke
Style: Hip Hop

Marianya’s Reaction: Jose looking all werewolf-y yeeeaaah, didn’t expect that, but I think Jose got cut a break with a good portion of his dancing being more breaking than actual dancing… he’s better on the floor than on his feet… and doesn’t necessarily work in dancing, in other activities I’d agree, but not dancing.

Dancer: Adรฉchikรฉ Torbert
All-Star: Kathryn McCormick
Style: Contemporary/Jazz

Marianya’s Reaction: This had SO MUCH potential and it felt flat. I mean COME ON, I work in the office and I have fantasies of being able to do that to a couple of guys, but this routine is a man’s fantasy not a female’s fantasy. Seriously dude.

Dancer: Melinda Sullivan
All-Star: Pasha Kovalev
Style: Ballroom โ€“ Jive

Marianya’s Reaction: *Squee* Pasha’s back, I’m a Pasha fangirl. I was going to say something about the routine but Adam totally made me forget what I wanted to say when he said, “look in here please don’t look down here…” with his fingers aiming towards his family jewels… so he had to add to that, “and by that I mean your legs and feet”. I love Adam… I don’t care which team he bats for.

Dancer: Alex Wong
All-Star: Allison Holker
Style: Jazz

Marianya’s Reaction: O.M.G. Where the hell did that come from!??!?! I’ve never see Nigel speechless… and I swear I thought Nigel shed a tear or two or three… One thing I noticed is that Alex held Allison for a very long time… almost as long as Neil and Ashley later on… but that was such an emotionally driven piece that they needed a bit to calm down. Oh and SONYA ROCKS tonight… I’ve never been a huge fan of Sonya, I am now.

Dancer: Alexie Agdeppa
All-Star: Stephen โ€œTwitchโ€ Boss
Style: Hip Hop

Marianya’s Reaction: Shankman of the 90s scares me, and instead of the girl barging through the door it’s Twitch barging through the window… He so suave in that dance, he could sneak through my window any night. Though, I totally would love to see the extended clip of Shankman in Star Search.

Dancer: Lauren Froderman
All-Star: Ade Obayami
Style: Contemporary

Marianya’s Reaction: As much as I love Ade, Lauren totally killed the routine for me. I ended up fast forwarding through the routine because Lauren seemed to be a dancing Barbie doll. It’s pretty and all but there’s no substance behind the pretty face and lines.

Dancer: Kent Boyd
All-Star: Anya Garnis
Style: Ballroom

Marianya’s Reaction: OMG I know what Kent needs to do in order to remain on top… he needs to enjoy dancing and not think! I love, LOVE, LOVE his last back bend and when he gets out of it and looks at Anya, did anyone notice a bit of a flick of his tongue out the right side of his lips? OMG. Forget the lips puckering or his Jessica Rabbit impersonation. And then he went from being a “man” to being a “boy” again… it’s like *blink* I’m a kid again. And Mia and Adam’s reactions to the cougar exchange… priceless!

Dancer: Ashley Galvan
All-Star: Neil Haskell
Style: Contemporary

Marianya’s Reaction: Another strong emotional routine, right up there with Alex/Allison. But for more of my reaction, go to this exchange between myself and Emilie.

Dancer: Robert Roldan
All-Star: Courtney Galiano
Style: African Jazz

Marianya’s Reaction: Courtney’s my least fav All-Star… so you could bet I was a wee disappointed that Robert didn’t “really” kill Courtney ๐Ÿ˜€ I watched Robert primarily through this whole thing. This is a dancer that’s like Ade where you know almost nothing about them at the beginning but their dancing spoke for them… and his exchange with Mia was entertaing… RAWR! Though Adam’s assessment of Robert would be interesting considering there’s Kent and Billy there too… I’m beginning to understand way there are so many male dancers, it just made me wonder how did Anthony Burrell do in the other styles that forced them to let him go because that has GOT to be the reason they didn’t keep him on…

June 16, 2010 I Written By

My life can be summed up in the following two quotes: 1) "I am married to engineering and am its faithful wife by day, but at night my wanderlust takes hold and the arts becomes my jealous paramour." and... 2) "Engineering is my safety net. Writing is my passion. Acting is my escape when the other two become too much." So where does dancing fit in? Pretty much anywhere at this point... =)